Rejuvenation Temple Deposit


Experience the body being received.

Come together and receive your body and notice just how much love you are really made of.

The Rejuvenation Temple gifts you a Body Realm experience, from the inside out as you bask in your natural living wonder, on island time.

This is a relaxing 2 night/2 day journey that can be done as an individual or for a special group occasion. We offer various stay options that include food and accomodation to suit a variety of budgets.

Each Person travelling will require deposit booking to be made to secure reservation. Please communicate to Check Availability.

Rejuvenation Temple also includes our Body Receiving collection of Natural Living Wonders:

Beauty Harmony (REI KI)


Love is our Earths Medicine, May We Home Its Beauty.

This offering is a living mandala shared between human being and the elements that come together to allow us life to experience our love. Relaxed Raising invites a harmonic journey in a ceremonial state to feel, sense and receive. Whether you feel to experience this Earthing Blessing on your own, within a group or for a specific sacred reason as a celebration honouring, it finds form intuitively for you.

A chosen Botanical Mandala will reflect the tangible beauty harmony that will be used as a guidance portal and homing of the formless beauty harmony throughout the journey. Each flower, each treasure of nature a representation of the essential voice of our loving Earth and its Blessing for the present moment and intentional reasoning. This way it is you that gives this journey meaning. The use of dancing breath, movement and grounding hands will bring to life the human being Mandala and Embodiment of Beauty Harmony. Together both Mandalas creating an imprinting and symbolic embodiment that is energetically assigned to you and your essence.

To fulfil the experience you will be Bathed in Rei Ki to restore your Beauty Harmony (Life Source) and Relax your Raising (Life force) that is of source, without force.

You will be gifted your very own Body Prayer & Flower Essence that is aligned to continue to support your harmonic beauty journey.The Body Alter


The Art of Human Being and Nature in Ceremony.

Enjoy a two hour spirited dance and song, using touch in ceremonial movement harmonising the Body, Mind and Aura.

A serenading of you and nurtured awakening of your hearts path and intuitive wisdom to feel more at home in life, from the inside out.This is a nourishing way to feel more in touch with the natural rhythms that support your chosen way and its karma or release you from the karmic patterns that are no longer serving the essential you.

A Re adjustment to the life force energy, natural body health and its systems to ensure the melody of your vibration is flowing with ease as it can, in the most pleasurable way.

Every experience includes an Intuitive Reading, pre and post treatment and includes Flower Essence Therapy & Remedy.

An Honouring of Body and Blessing Treatment offers your nature and its voice, the loving care and harmony it needs to radiate your living wholeness, from the inside out. It is a celebration through whole body honouring to offer gratitude to your essence, and a blessing of the essential you and its presence physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. Through the intimately guided journey, you will experience being in prayer with your soul and spirit and how they come together to guide you through your day to day, in body, mind and aura. Love. Stay Beautiful.

Indah Body Time

The Beautiful One.

A Living Mandala of Love, Wholeness & Harmony.

Be Love. Stay Beautiful.

From Heart, Through Earth.

An intimate 1:1 journey threading the Healing Life Science and Medicine of our Earth to Restore & Rejuvenate .

In Ayurveda “Body Time” is a treatment in itself that is honoured on a regular basis depending upon how we inhabit our body day to day and our chosen way of life. Its is called Kayakalpa and its simplicity is what is mastery. It is a process of body to allow the healing, restoration and rejuvenation to happen and the “time needed” for us to return to our living wholeness, before asking or demanding our body to accomplish the next “thing”. Ideally attending to this each day would allow for a more relaxed and healthy life experience and embodiment, from the inside out.

The focus for our “Body Time” is relevant to what the “Body Action” has been. For example it could be primarily focused to support and nurture on a physical level or it could be a combination including the energy, mental, emotional, spiritual. Each of these layers of body have their own functioning and process that also interconnect to create the whole human body and being.

Its from here our unique “body type” is understood. This invites us into feeling and realising the essential nature of us through the actual elements that make up our Earth, that we are each uniquely made from. This is the life science that is then used to establish the pathway of Restoration & Rejuvenation for our essence. In Ayurveda this treatment and pathway is referred to as Rayasana.

This is a therapeutic offering and curated for each individual.

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