In art there is no goal from the creator, just simply a creative feeling to follow creational energy and bring it into physicality through Sense. ITSA Life is our idea of bringing to life the Health of Human Being, through Art and Sense.

We see the Healing as both the Creative Process and Creational Energy that comes together in our Body. The Body is the Creator and it uses the Resources of Earth & Mediums of Spirit.

Nature is our Culture & Human Being is Nature.

ITSA Life is a Health Provider + Healing Carer that is supporting the empowerment of humanity to love and understand our nature as human being’s and how we are relating to Health (Life Quality), through our Wholeness in Body (Energy Fields).

Our love language is: ITSA - Inner Style, Through Self Artistry.

Our life quality energy is: LIFE - Love In-tuned Frequency Ease.

It is our intention to strengthen remembrance in all who are ready to be who they are in essence, and feel called to expand to lovingly become. This involves healing on the deepest level at the timing of each individual whom choose to come and travel with us.· 

Our key focus is “Bringing spirituality into every day living , and everyday living into spirt”.

·    We Empower intuitive self-awareness and spiritual understanding of our unique soulful truths, our hearts needs, body alignment and wellbeing.

·    We choose to hold the sacred space for humanity to remember who they already are and the innate healing process they hold in their body.

·     We Support all to have the courage to creatively choose and communicate from the inside out, their unique inner life print, its offering and the quality health it allows.

·       We feel we can all experience what we love, for the love of it, with ease and grace without un necessary dis - ease. 

May all beings be free, to be who they truly are.

AN ITSA Life Health + Healing Initiative

This initiative has been created to provide families a pathway to individually care for the needs that are relative to their family as a whole and current quality of functioning, living and being. Founder Randall has developed and provided therapy and healing programs within Mental Health Hospitals and worked alongside some of Australia’s best Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Mental Health Nurses + Therapists. In 2020 she was asked to Develop a specialisation subject and educational program for 2nd year medical students at Barts University in London with the primary focus on the Mental Health + Healing Pathways for Women.

Mind Centred Wellbeing + Emotional Care also invites a complimentary, alternative approach to treatment, healing and wellbeing.

This allows primarily for the whole individual to be assessed, monitored and guided in a more intuitive way that is in alignment for them, their families and surroundings.

One vital aspect of this style of support is the interconnectedness between the mental, emotional, energetic and physical nature of human being in the layers of the Living Mind (mental/emotional state) + Body and quality life force that generates our way of life.

Three main focuses of Mind Centred Wellbeing + Care is Response - Ability, Remembering & Regenerative Relationship in both the SELF and LIFESTYLE.

In this way we are supporting the empowerment of humanity to love and understand our nature as human being’s and how we are relating to Health (Life Quality), through our Wholeness in Body (Energy Fields) not just focusing on the “imbalances/problems/disconnection. This allows for a more grounded experience for both individuals and families that is nurturing + nourishing as the healing + natural therapy happens.

We use a range of methods and modalities such as Ayurvedic Counsel, Reiki Therapy, Body Psychology, Yoga Psychology, Mindfulness, Non Violent Communication, Natural Healing + Holistic Health Counselling, Flower Essence Therapy, Mind Body Education, Spiritual Development + Counselling and Healing Arts.

We support children, adults, whole families in all ranges of their current state of health + Healing.

Whether it be that this is your chosen way to sustain your daily health, living wholeness or as a chosen support in becoming pregnant, birthing, postpartum or you are recovering from miscarriage, reproductive disorders, injury, dealing with stress, overwhelm, trauma, cancer & recovery, eating disorders, body image discord, depression, anxiety and or relationship dysfunction, its all welcome here.

You are provided with:

  • A personalised Healing Management Plan + Therapists for the duration of the program. This also includes the support person of the individual (as we believe they too need care, to be able to provide continuity of care for their loved one).

  • We offer a Healing Guidance + Support call to allow you to share with us what your key healing focuses are and the way you need to be supported to attend to the disharmony, dis ease , stress, imbalances and or sufferings you are experiencing. This call is $80 and will gift you clarity and ways to feel into if this program is for you as well as provide you with immediate guidance, support + healing pathway options.

  • Mind Centred Wellbeing as a program is priced from $888 for 4 weeks or $222 per week *Although it is over a 4 week timeline, this doesn’t have to be consecutive 4 weeks. If you are feeling to simply have a 1:1 session these begin at $110 for 1 - 1.5 hour.

  • We also offer 1:1 + Group Detox, Healing + Recovery on North Stradbroke Island for those feeling to participate a holistic therapy approach for sufferings such as Addiction, Alcohol Abuse + Depression commencing from $3000 AUD per week (incl of accom and food). We enjoy surfing, sup boarding, nature adventures, fishing, cooking, yoga, Ayurveda, mediation, Reiki, Breath work, Dance, Indigenous Healing and general body movement in amongst the program.